Dipl.-Ing. Annekathrin Grünbaum
Member of the Research Training Group, 1.05.2009 - 31.10.2013
PhD Defence 8.07.2014, Magna Cum Laude
Annekathrin Grünbaum
University of Rostock
Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Institute of General Electrical Engineering
Phone: +49-381-498-7071
Email: annekathrin.gruenbaum(at)uni-rostock.de
Modelling the electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve
Cochlea-Implants are increasingly inserted in ears of aurally handicapped patients for whom it is essential to preserve the residual hearing for a bimodal (combined-electric-acoustic) stimulation of the auditory nerve. These new indications require new atraumatic implantation techniques and alternative electrode types and locations. It is essential to know the right location of the electrode to achieve optimal stimulation of the cochlear nerve. All such mechanisms considered shall be optimized by mathematical modelling. Within the scope of the project a precise modelling of the human inner ear shall be worked out. With the help of this model newly developed electrode forms and locations could be evaluated. Especially an exact electrical modelling of the complex inner ear considering its thin isolating membranes should be realized. The specific numerical challenge lies in discretization costs, in the existance of ionic conductivities in the perilymph and in problems with possibly existing anisotropy of the bone capsule around the cochlea. Accordingly material data shall be obtained from anatomic grinding preparation.
- Work out of a CAD-model of the human cochlea
- Building of the simulation model
- Comparison of the electric field distributions of the different electrode forms and locations
A detailed CAD-model based on µCT-scans of the human cochlea was built and inserted into a first simulation model.
PAU, H.-W., GRUENBAUM, A., EHRT, K., DAHL, R., JUST, T. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2013. Would an endosteal CI-electrode make sense? Comparison of the auditory nerve excitability from different stimulation sites using ESRT measurements and mathematical models. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. Springer-Verlag. DOI: 10.1007/s00405-013-2543-8
POTRATZ, C., PETERSEN, S., GRUENBAUM, A., VAN RIENEN, U., 2010. Challenges in Bio-Electromagnetic Modeling, EMTS 2010
GRUENBAUM, A., VAN RIENEN, U., PAU H.-W., 2010. Ein 3D-CAD-Modell der menschlichen Cochlea für elektromagnetische Simulationen, Biomedical Engineering. Volume 55, Issue s1, Pages 231-233, 2010, ISSN (Online) 1862-278X, ISSN (Print) 0013-5585, DOI: 10.1515/BMT.2010.653