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- BODNAR, W., WITTE, K., SCHELL, N., LANG, H. and BURKEL, E., 2014. A novel functional gradient material for dental implants - high energy X-ray diffraction study, 2nd Innovative Manufacturing Technology Zakopane.
- BODNAR, W., WITTE, K., SCHELL, N., LANG, H. and BURKEL, E., 2014. High energy X-ray diffraction study of a functional gradient material for dental implants, Sintering 2014 Dresden.
- BONK, S.M., OLDORF, P., PETER, R., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2014, Fast prototyping of multisensory cell culture chips using ultra-short pulse-laser ablation and pcb micromilling. 2nd International Conference on MikroFluidic Handling Systems (MHFS 2014), Freiburg. pp. 181-184.
- EBNER, C., ZIMMERMANN, U., SU, Y., VAN RIENEN, U., MITTELMEIER, W. and BADER, R. 2015. Electrical stimulation of osseointegration of an uncemented total hip stem. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, TrackP: S1162, 2014
- HELLER, J., FLISGEN, T., SCHMIDT, C. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2014. Quantification of geometric uncertainties in single cell cavities for BESSY VSR using polynomial chaos. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC), pp. 415-417, ISBN 978-3-95450-132-8.
- MOERKE, C., FINKE, B., SCHNABELRAUCH, M., ANSELME, K. and NEBE, J.B., 2014. Impact of the chemistry of geometrically designed titanium on cell behavior and alignment. BioNanoMat. 15, S1, pp. 22. DOI 10.1515/bnm-2014-9017, ISSN 2193-0651, e-ISSN 2193066.
- MOERKE, C., STAEHLKE, S. and NEBE, B., 2014. Influence of geometric micro-pillared structures on the cell physiology of MG-63 osteoblast-like cells. International Meeting of the German Society for Cell Biology, Regensburg, pp. 81.
- MOERKE, C., FINKE, B., SCHNABELRAUCH, M., ANSELME, K., KÖRTGE, A., WELTMANN, K.D. and NEBE B.J., 2014. Impact of the chemistry of geometrically designed titanium on cell behavior and alignment Biointerface, Redwood City (CA, USA), pp. 10.
- NISSEN, M., BUEHLER, S., STUBBE, M., BAUMANN, W., GIMSA, J., 2014. Biphasic response of neuronal networks to sodium valproic acid (NaVPA). Proceedings MEA Meeting, pp. 126. ISSN: 2199-1596.
- STUBBE, M., AND GIMSA, J., 2014. Electro-thermal micro-pumps: exploiting structural polarizations at smeared interfaces. 11th International symposium on electrokinetic phenomena (ELKIN), Ghent, pp. 96.
- SCHMIDT, C., ZIMMERMANN, U. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2014. Uncertainty quantification of the optimal stimulation area in an electro-stimulative hip revision system. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp. 824-827. DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2014.6943718.
- SCHMIDT, C., FLISGEN, T., HELLER, J. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2014. Comparison of techniques for uncertainty quantification of superconducting radio frequency cavities. Proceedings of the International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), Palm Beach, Aruba, pp. 117-120. DOI:10.1109/ICEAA.2014.6903838.
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- WALTER, S., BONK, S., STUBBE, M., BAUMANN, W., GIMSA, J., 2014. Mikrofluidik, innere Sensorik und Strukturentwurf für ein 3D-Zellkultursystem. In H.-G. Neumann, E.-D. Klinkenberg (Eds.): Knöcherne Geweberegeneration. Zellphysiologie im Dreidimensionalen, 73–112. 1. Aufl., Shaker-Verlag GmbH, Herzogenrath. ISBN 978-3-8440-3049-5.
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- WITTE, K., BODNAR, W. and BURKEL, E. 2014. Mößbauer effect studies of FAST processed iron oxide composites, 2nd Innovative Manufacturing Technology Zakopane.
- WITTE, K., BODNAR, W. and BURKEL, E., 2014. Nanostructured iron oxide composites prepared by field assisted sintering, Sintering 2014 Dresden.
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- ZIMMERMANN,U., EBNER, C., BADER, R. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2014. Numerical Investigation of an Electrostimulative Hip Stem with a Multi-Electrode Setting. The 10th International Conference on Scientifc Computing in Electrical Engineering (SCEE), pp. 79-80.
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- ZIEBART, J., HIEMER, B., JONITZ-HEINCKE, A., SU, Y, PASOLD, J., BRAND, M., LAUSCH, H., HANSMANN, D. and BADER, R., 2014. Comparison between electromagnetic and electrical stimulation on human osteoblasts in vitro (abstract), 48th Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik, Jahrestagung, Hannover, Germany, October 8.-10.