- BIRKHOLZ, H., 2011. Extracting the ridge set as a graph for quantification of actin filament images obtained by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Tenth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, edited by Jean-Charles Pinoli, Johan Debayle, Yann Gavet, Frédéric Gruy, Claude Lambert, Proceedings of SPIE, 8000. DOI:10.1117/12.895269.
- FINKE, B., REBL, H., NEBE, J.B., WELTMANN, K.D. and SCHROEDER, K., 2011. Time dependent investigations of plasma polymerized allylamine surfaces and cell biological response. ISPC-Beitrag, 05/2011, erschienen auf USB-Stick; Paper 299.
- GONGADZE, E., PERUTKOVA, Š., VAN RIENEN, U. and IGLIČ, A., 2011. Mechanics and electrostatics of the interactions between osteoblasts and nanostructured surface of titanium implants, Advances in biomechanics and mechanobiological modelling, University of Oxford, England, 21st April 2011.
- GONGADZE, E., VAN RIENEN, U. and IGLIČ, A., 2011. An electric double layer model with a space dependent permittivity near a charged titanium implant surface, 21st International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Cracow, Poland, pp. 320.
- IGLIČ, A., GONGADZE, E., KABASO, D., PERUTKOVA, Š., KRALJ-IGLIČ, V., IGLIČ, A. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2011. Electrostatics and mechanics of the interactions between osteoblasts and a surface of titanium implants, 21st International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Cracow, Poland, pp. 297.
- IGLIČ, A., GONGADZE, E., KABASO, D., PERUTKOVA, Š., VAN RIENEN, U. and KRALJ-IGLIČ, V., 2011. Mechanics and electrostatics of the interactions between cells and surface of titanium implants, 18th Meeting European Association of Red Cell Research (EARCR), Wroclaw-Piechowice, Poland, pp. 25.
- LUEDER, M., WARMUTH, R., HEINRICH, E., JOOST, R. and SALOMON, R., 2011. SRD - Towards a System for the In-Situ Detection of the Stapedius Reflex. IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI 2011), pp. 29 - 34.
- MARROT, A., JONITZ, A., GRUNERT, P., HABA, Y., HANSMANN, D. and BADER, R., 2011. Vergleich der Vitalität und Kollagensynthese humaner, primärer Osteoblasten unter dem Einfluss der elektrischen Stimulation in-vitro. Osteologie, 20 (1), pp. 61-62.
- MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., BIRKHOLZ, H., STAEHLKE, S., LANGE, R., BECK, U., ENGEL, K. and NEBE, J.B., 2011. Determination of cellular phenotype and actin quantification of osteoblasts on geometrically defined microtextured titanium arrays. BIOmaterialien 12(1-4), pp. 113.
- MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., BIRKHOLZ, H., STAEHLKE, S., LOEFFLER, R., KERN, D., ENGEL, K. and NEBE, J.B., 2011. Quantification of intracellular structures as a tool for the correlation of material vs. cellular parameters. BMT 2011, Freiburg.
- MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., BIRKHOLZ, H., STAEHLKE, S., LANGE, R., BECK, U., ENGEL, K. and NEBE, J.B., 2011. Cell morphometric analysis of osteoblasts on geometrically microstructured titanium surfaces – basic research for orthopedic implants. World Congress on regenerative medicine (WCRM) 2011 Leipzig.
- ROTT, G.A., ZHANG, F., HABA, Y., KROEGER, W. and BURKEL, E., 2011. Dielectric properties of porous calcium titanate (CaTiO3). The American Ceramic Society's Ceramic Transactions proceedings (From the MS&T'10 meeting). Biomaterials Science - Processing, Properties, and Applications: Ceramic Transactions, 228, pp. 89-95.
- SCHMIDT, C., PETERSEN, S. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2011. Influence of the electric double layer on the field distribution in deep brain stimulation. Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, 56 (1) pp. 103. DOI:10.1515/bmt.2011.860.
- STAEHLKE, S., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., LOEFFLER, R., LANGE, R., BECK, U., KERN, D. and NEBE, J.B., 2011. Analyse der iInteraktion von Osteoblasten auf mikrostrukturierten Oberflächen in Bezug auf die Organisation des Aktinzytoskeletts. BIOmaterialien 12 (1-4), pp. 115.
- WYRWA, R., MUELLER, U., BERGEMANN, C., KUNZ, F., NEBE, J.B. and SCHNABELRAUCH, M., 2011. Der Effekt endogener Amine in elektrogesponnenen Polylactid-Scaffolds auf die Zelladhäsion. 7. Thüringer Grenz- und Oberflächentage und 8. Thüringer Biomaterial-Kolloquium, Tagungsband, ISBN 978-3-00-035347-5, pp. 319-323.
- ZIMMERMANN, U., PETERSEN, S., SCHWABE, L. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2011. Combination of neural-mass models with anisotropic head models to simulate EEG signals, in: Eighth International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics, pp. 108-109.
- APPALI, R., LAUTRUP, B., HEIMBURG, T. and VAN RIENEN, U. 2010. Soliton collision in biomembranes and nerves-a stability study. Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering. Mathematics in Industry, Springer, 16, pp. 205-212.
- HABA, Y., STÜPMANN, F., KRÖGER, W., BADER, R., KLUESS, D., SOUFFRANT, R., MITTELMEIER, W. and EWALD, H., 2010. Ermittlung elektrischer Materialeigenschaften von humanen Femurköpfen für den Einsatz elektrostimulierender Knochenimplantate, 13. Symposium Maritime Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik Rostock Deutschland, pp. 61-66.
- GONGADZE, E., IGLIČ, A., PETERSEN, S. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2010. An Electrical Double Layer Model with Spatial Variation of the Permittivity. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS 2010), pp. 540-543.
- GONGADZE, E., IGLIČ, A. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2010. Electric double layer on geometrically structured implants. Conf. IEEE - ERK'2010 Portoroz, Slovenian section IEEE, B, pp. 339-342.
- IGLIČ, A., GONGADZE, E., PERUTKOVÀ, Š., BOHINC, K., BOBOJEVIC G., VAN RIENEN, U. and KRALJ-IGLIČ, V., 2010. Interactions between titanium surface and osteoblasts mediated by positively charged. Proceeding of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering Valencia, Spain, pp. 92-97.
- KLUESS, D., LINDNER, T., FRITSCHE, A., MITTELMEIER, W. and BADER, R. 2010. A validated concept to model the bone-implant-compound for loadbearing implants in biomechanical finite-element-analyses. Proceedings of SPIE, 7522, pp. 75222I1-75222I7.
- KLUESS, D., MITTELMEIER, W. and BADER, R., 2010. Biomechanical behavior of a cemented ceramic knee replacement under worst case scenarios. Proceedings of SPIE, 7522, pp. 75222J1-75222J7.
- KLUESS, D., ZIETZ, C., HAUCK, S., BADER, R., SCHMITZ K.-P. and MITTELMEIER, W., 2010. Modularity of a new cementless acetabular revision cup system based on research of the anatomic variability of the pelvis. Biomedical Technic, 55 (4), pp. 229-235.
- KUNZ, F., BERGEMANN, C., KLINGENBERG, E-D., WEIDMANN, A., LANGE, R., BECK, U. and NEBE, J.B., 2010. A novel modular device for 3-D bone cell culture and non-destructive cell analysis. Acta Biomater. 6, pp. 3798-3807.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., REIMER, T., ZWANZIG, M., BAUMANN, W.H. and GIMSA, J., 2010. Gold Shark Teeth structures on MEAs - Electroplating of Nano-structures on Metallic Microelectrodes. MEA Meeting, Reutlingen.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., HELD, J., RUTHER, P., GASPAR, J., PAUL, O., BEIKIRCH, H., GIMSA, J. and BAUMAN, W., 2010. GO-Bio 3: PoreGenic® - 2. Cardiomyocyte Action PotentialRecordings with a 3D-MEA chip. Proceedings of the 7th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, pp. 293-294.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., HELD, J., RUTHER, P., GASPAR, J., PAUL, O., BEIKIRCH, H., GIMSA, J. and BAUMANN, W., 2010. GO-Bio 3: PoreGenic® - 1. Whole-Cell Patch Clamp Recordings with a 3D-MEA chip. Proceedings of the 7th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, pp. 291-292.
- LANGE, R., BIALA, K. and BECK, U., 2010. Characterization of the real surface increasing of structured implant materials by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. Proceedings of the European Society for Biomaterials 2010, Tampere, Finnland.
- LANTOW, M., PORATH, K., WITTE, K., MAYER, J., WEBER, I., WEISS, D.G. and BURKEL, E., 2010, Cellular effects of TiO2 and of ferrimagnetic nanoparticles on human Mono Mac 6 monocytes and mouse J774A.1 macrophages, 20th Annual Conference of the German Society for Cytometry Leipzig.
- MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., STAEHLKE, S., LOEFFLER, R., LANGE, R., CHAI, F., KERN, D.P., BECK, U. and NEBE, J.B., 2010. Cell Architecture-Cell Function Dependencies on Micro-Arrays with Cubic Pillar Structures. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde (DGM), Material Science and Engineering, Topic F, Biomat- F3, Interfaces, Darmstadt.
- MEICHSNER, J., REBL, H., NEBE, J. B., FINKE, B. and TESTRICH,. H. 2010. Plasma Polymerisation of Ethylenediamine (EDA) for Bioactive Implant Coating. Tagungsband 18. Neues Dresdner Vakuumtechnisches Kolloquium: Beschichtung, Modifizierung und Charakterisierung von Polymeroberflächen, pp.42-47.
- NEBE, J.B., REBL, H., FINKE, B., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., STAEHLKE, S., BECK, U., KERN, D.P., WELTMANN, K.D. and SCHROEDER, K., 2010. Plasmachemisch modifizierte Metalloberflächen und ihr Einfluss auf die Zellphysiologie. Workshop on Metallic Biomaterials, Geesthacht, abstract Booklet, p 7.
- POTRATZ, C., PETERSEN, S., GRUENBAUM, A. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2010. Challenges in Bio-Electromagnetic Modeling, Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS) 2010. URSI International Symposium on BioElectromagnetic Theory, pp. 344-347. DOI:10.1109/URSI-EMTS.2010.5637015.
- POTRATZ, C., SOUFFRANT, R., BADER, R., MITTELMEIER, W. und van RIENEN, U., 2010. Electrostimulation of Bone Defects in Total Hip Revision in Triple Layered Domains, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedcal Engineering (IFMBE), 25 (4), pp. 291-292.
- REBL, H., FINKE, B., RYCHLY, J., SCHROEDER, K. and NEBE, J.B., 2010. Vinculin mobility in vital human osteoblasts is enhanced by positively charged material surfaces generated with plasma-polymerized allylamine. European Journal of Cell Biology, 89 (1), pp. 48.
- REBL, H., FINKE, B., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., STAEHLKE, S., LANGE, R., KERN, D.P., BECK, U., SCHROEDER, K. and NEBE, J.B., 2010. Cell architecture on plasmafunctionalized, structured metal surfaces. Proceeding of the European Society for Biomaterials 2010, CD abstract no. H 3492.
- REBL, H., FINKE, B., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., STAEHLKE, S., LANGE, R., KERN, D.P., BECK, U., SCHROEDER, K., NEBE, J.B., 2010. Cell architecture on plasmafunctionalized, structured metal surfaces. ESB, CD abstract, no. H 3492, Tampere, Finland.
- REIMER, T., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2010. Burst - induced inhibition in low density cortical neuronal networks in vitro. 7th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Amsterdam.
- ROTT, G.A., ZHANG, F., HABA, Y., KRÖGER, W. and BURKEL, E., 2010. Dielectric Spectroscopy and Microstructure of Sintered Calcium Titanate (CaTiO3) Samples With Different Porosities. Material Science and Engineering 2010 (Darmstadt).
- SALOMON, R., LUEDER, M. and BIEBER, G., 2010. iFall - Case Studies in Unexpected Falls. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2010), pp. 1645 - 1650, ISBN: 978-1-4244-6391-6, Bari, Italien.
- STRANAK, V., REBL, H., NEBE, B., HUBICKA, Z., ZIETZ, C., ARNDT, K., BADER R., PODBIELSKI, A., BOGDANOWICZ, R. and HIPPLER, R. 2010. Deposition of multi-structural biocompatible thin films with antimicrobial effect by pulsed magnetron sputtering. BIOmaterialien, 11, pp. 105.
- STUBBE, M., BUEHLER, S. M., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2010. Mikropumpen sowie Sensoren für Adhäsion und Proliferation von Zellen in Lab-on-a-Chip Systemen. Technische Systeme für die Lebenswissenschaften, 15. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, pp. 133-140.
TAUTORAT, C., FRANZ, D., GIMSA, J., BAUMANN, W. and BEIKIRCH, H.. 2011. PoreGenic® - Patch-on-Chip System für Zellnetzwerke. In: 10. Dresdner Sensor‐Symposium. G. Gerlach und A. Schütze, Editor. Verlag der Wissenschaften GmbH, 2011, Dresden 5.‑7. Dezember 2011, AMA Service GmbH, Wunstorf, 2011. ISBN 978-3942710-53-4, pp. 41-46. DOI: 10.5162/10dss2011/2.2.
- WARMUTH, R., GOLDMANN, S. and SALOMON, R., 2010. WiiLoc: a Step Towards Efficient Device Identification in Large Office Buildings by Wii-Based Localization. IEEE 14th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2010), pp. 1-6.
- WEIHE, T., PERUTKOVA, S., KRALJ-IGLIC, V., ELTER, P., IGLIC, A. and GIMSA, J., 2010. Describing electrostatic attraction between negatively charged mediated by organic counter-ions of different length. Biochemistry, Gordon Research, Biddeford (ME), USA.
- WEIHE, T., BONK, S., CHEN, Y., ELTER, P. and GIMSA J., 2010. Single-Cell Force Spectroscopy for the determination of initial adhesion of cells to different surfaces. Bone-Tech, Hannover, German.
- ZHANG, F., OTTERSTEIN, E., ROTT, G.A., BECK, U., WEISS, D.G., BURKEL, E., 2010. Preparation and surface modification of TiMn foams for bone implants, Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp. 71-72. DOI:10.1515/BMT.2010.244.
- BIRKHOLZ, H., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., NEBE, J.B. and ENGEL, K., 2009. Quantification of actin filament organization by estimating graph structures in confocal microscopic images. International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering Proceedings, 25 (4), pp. 1932-1935.
- GALEK, T. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2009. Modelling of effective dielectric properties of inhomogeneous mixtures in the microwave. Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering (ISTET), pp. 247-257.
- HEINRICH, E., LUEDER, M., JOOST, R. and SALOMON, R., 2009. FPGA-based implementation alternatives for Keyed-Hash Message authentication code in networked embedded systems. IEEE 14th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2009), ISBN: 978-1-4244-2728-4, La Palma, Spanien.
- HELD, J. GASPAR, J., KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., HAGNER, M., CISMAK, A., HEILMANN, A., BAUMANN, W., RUTHER, P. and PAUL, O., 2009. Integration of microfluidic features with microneedle electrode arrays for intracellular recording applications. Proceedings MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2009, pp. 476-479.
- HELD, J., GASPAR, J., KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., HAGNER, M., CISMAK, A., HEILMANN, A., BAUMANN, W., RUTHER, P. and PAUL, O., 2009. Hollow microneedle electrode arrays for intracellular recording applications. Proceedings of the IEEE 22nd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, pp. 220-223.
- LUEDER, M., SALOMON, R. and REIMER, T., 2009. iCAMS: An FPGA_Based System for the REAL-Time monitoring of the activity of in-vitro cells. 32nd Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 1-4.
- NEBE, J.B., JESSWEIN, H., WEIDMANN, A., FINKE, B., MATSCHEGEWSKI, C., LANGE, R., BECK, U. and SCHROEDER, K., 2009. Sensitivity of Osteoblasts to Topographical and Chemical Features of Metal Implants. ICMAT, Singapore.
- POTRATZ, C., GLOCK, H.-W., SOUFFRANT, R., BADER, R., EWALD, H. and van RIENEN, U., 2009. Periprosthetic fields and currents of an electrostimulative acetabular revision system. 4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE), 22 (12), pp.1808-1811.
- ENGEL, K., KALINOWSKI, T. and KIESEL A., 2008. Discrete optimization problems for radiation therapy planning, International Symposium on Operational Research, Les annales ROAD du Laboratoire LAID3, pp. 9-23.
- GALEK, T., VAN RIENEN, U. and BURKEL, E., 2008. Full 3D electromagnetic simulations of microwave heating of ceramic and metal powders. Proceedings of Advanced Processing of Novel Functional Materials (APNFM).
- GALEK, T. and VAN RIENEN, U., 2008. Modeling of magnetic and dielectric properties of metallic and ceramic powders in the microwave. Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering, pp. 86.
- HELD, J., GASPAR, J., KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., CISMAK, A., HEILMANN, A., BAUMANN, W., TRAUTMANN, A., RUTHER, P. and PAUL, O., 2008. Microneedle arrays for intracellular recording applications. IEEE 21st Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems. IEEE Proceedings, pp. 268-271. DOI: 10.1109/MEMSYS.2008.4443644.
- KOESTER, P.J., BUEHLER, S.M., TAUTORAT, C., SAKOWSKI, J., SCHROTT, R., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2008. A new glass chip system acquiring electric activity and physiological parameters of stem cell derived cells. Proceedings of the 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, pp. 315-316.
- KOESTER, P.J., BUEHLER, S.M., TAUTORAT, C., SAKOWSKI, J., SCHROTT, R., BAUMANN, W., and GIMSA, J., 2008. A new glass chip system acquiring electric activity and physiological parameters of differentiated stem cells. Abstracts of 13th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition, Journal of Biotechnology, 136 (S), pp. 126-127.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., HELD, J., GASPAR, J., RUTHER, P., PAUL, O., CISMAK, A., HEILMANN, A., GIMSA, J. and BAUMANN, W., 2008. Local micro-invasive needle electroporation (LOMINE) of single cells attached on silicon chips. Abstracts of 13th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition. Journal of Biotechnology, 136 (S) , pp. 462.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., SAKOWSKI, J., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2008. Dielectrophoretic neuron trapping on semiconductor chips for the extracellular detection of the neuronal network activity. Abstracts of 13th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition. Journal of Biotechnology, 136 (S), pp. 120-121.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., PODSSUN, A., GIMSA, J., JONAS, L. and BAUMANN, W., 2008. Dielectrophoretic Positioning of Cells for the Measurement of Intracellular Potentials using Kidney-Shaped Electrodes. Proceedings of the 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, pp. 317-318.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., SAKOWSKI,J., BAUMANN, W. and GIMSA, J., 2008. Dielectrophoretic neuron positioning on MEAs in semiconductor chips for the extracellular detection of the neuronal network activity. Proceedings of the 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, pp. 319-320.
- KOESTER, P.J., TAUTORAT, C., PODSSUN, A., GIMSA, J., JONAS, L. and BAUMANN, W., 2008. A new Principle for intracellular potential measurements of adherently growing Cells. Proceedings of the 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, pp. 271-274.
- TAUTORAT, C., KOESTER, P.J., PODSSUN, A., BEIKIRCH, H., GIMSA, J., JONAS, L. and BAUMANN, W., 2008. Local micro-invasive needle electroporation - A technical challenge. Proceedings of the 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, pp. 340-341.